Team Training

New live streaming workflow

4 February 2022

During the past few months we have worked hard to create more efficient and robust live streaming workflows for our clients.

We now have 8x SRT decoders in our studios, which allow us to run a full production from here, while receiving camera and slide feeds from conference venues. Our amazing new Pearl 2 kits can be either sent to the venue in a box or with our engineer / camera crew.

The benefits are:
– Much reduced crew travel and accommodation costs.
– Less kit and crew onsite.
– Fast to rig – we can set up camera feeds in minutes.
– Local video crew can send us feeds using SRT.
– Full studio production from any venue.
– Low latency / very high video quality.
– Increased robustness. If venue internet goes down, we can continue the broadcast as our studios are on a 1Gbps leased line.

Contact us for more info.

Your Guide to Hybrid Events and Live Streaming

Your Guide to Hybrid Events and Live Streaming

Welcome to GLO’s comprehensive guide on Hybrid Events, a fresh and innovative approach to modern event management. As leaders in live streaming and hybrid event production, we aim to provide you with essential insights and strategies.
